How do I create Users with restricted access to Employees?

When you create Users in Focus, you have a huge amount of control over which parts of the program they have access to, and what they can do with their access. You can control whether they can view timesheets, employee records, reports, and so on. You can determine who can make edits, update records, approve absence requests and more. Along with this functional access, there is also the ability to restrict which employees the User has access to.

Often, Users need access to large parts of Focus, although they don’t necessarily need to access every employee. For example, Wendy Williams, a Store Manager in Durham, only needs access to the team that she manages and no-one else in the company.

So, using Wendy as our example, this guide will look at:

  • Creating a new User
  • Limiting the Employees that a User has access to

Creating a new User

  1. Select ‘System’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select ‘Users’ from the System Tree.
  3. Select ‘Create New’.
  4. Complete the information in the ‘Personal’ tab.
  5. Make sure both Administrator and Restricted Administrator are unticked.

Limiting the Employees that a User has access to

This is done in the Objects tab. The Objects tab is a series of filters where you can restrict what a User has access to within Focus. The two sections that we are interested in for our purposes are Locations and Groups.

Locations - untick all Locations where the User doesn’t require access to. In our example, Wendy will only be able to access Employees who have Durham as one of their Locations.

Groups - untick all Groups who the User doesn’t require access to. In our example, Wendy will only be able to access Employees who are members of the Sales Group.


With both these filters in place, Wendy now only has access to the Sales team in Durham. 

Additional information

If required, tick / untick the boxes in the Administration, General, Objects, Workflow and Timesheet tabs to restrict a User’s permissions to the parts of Focus they can view or edit. 

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How do I create a Restricted Administrator?

A Restricted Administrator can create new Users from a subset of their own User Permissions.

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