How do I get started with the Calendar?

The Calendar allows you to see an employee’s holiday year at a glance, showing confirmed absences as well as any requests that are pending or have been refused. The employee’s schedule and holiday balances can also be viewed.

This guide will look at:

  • Calendar overview
  • Absences explained
  • Booking an absence in the Calendar
  • Granting / Refusing an absence request
  • Reinstating an absence request
  • Deleting an absence

Calendar overview

Year and Holiday Period selectors

Simply adjust these to suit your required view. The Calendar may look different if your holiday year doesn’t start on the 1st January.


Include Absences

Select the absences that you wish to show in the Calendar.

Show Schedule

Choose whether you want to view the employee’s schedule as part of the Calendar or just see their absences. Even with ‘Show Schedule’ unticked, you can still see which days the employee is working or not by the black and red numbers. Notice in the two examples below how the absences are highlighted differently.

Select Scheduled Days Only

When ticked, absences can only be booked on days where the employee is working.


A quick reference to which kind of absences can currently be seen in the Calendar.

Requested Absences

This shows a list of all absence requests, made by the employee, that are pending, granted or have been refused. Absences that are not requested by the employee, but are booked directly into the Calendar by a User, will not show in this list.


This shows an overview of the employee’s holiday balances. Depending on your system setup, you may see one or more Leave Channels (ie, Personal, Public, Lieu etc).

There is also a breakdown of how many sick days the employee has taken.


This button allows you to print a hard copy of the Calendar.

View Timesheet / View Employee

These buttons are shortcuts to the employee’s Timesheet and Employee Record.

Absences explained

Single block of colour

Single confirmed absence (eg. Bank Holiday)

White diagonal stripes

Absence request pending (eg. holiday)

Red diagonal stripes

Absence request refused (eg. holiday)

Multiple blocks of colour

Multiple confirmed absences (eg. a half-day holiday and a training session)

Combination of blocks of colour and diagonal stripes

Mix of confirmed absences and pending or refused absence requests (eg. a training session and a company meeting confirmed with a half-day holiday request pending).

The absences appear in order of when they were booked or requested, not in the order that they will necessarily be taken.

Hovering over a day with an absence will show you the details of the requests / bookings, as well as any shifts that the employee is due to work.

Booking an absence in the Calendar

  1. Select the required day.
  2. Select ‘Reason’ and choose the required one from the list (ie. Internal Training).
  3. Leave all other default settings alone. These should have been set up by your Focus Administrator.
  4. Add a comment, if required, for reference.
  5. Save & Close.

As previously mentioned, hovering over your newly-created absence in the Calendar will show you the details.

If you wish to add a second absence on the same day:

  1. Select the day again.
  2. Select ‘Add Absence To Range’.
  3. Repeat the absence booking process as before.

Booking a period of absence

Use this method to book an absence that spans more than a day (ie. long term sickness).

  1. Make sure that ‘Select Scheduled Days Only’ is ticked in ‘Options’.
  2. Move the cursor to the first day of the absence period.
  3. Holding the left-click down, drag the cursor across to the last day of the absence period.
  4. Release the left-click.
  5. Select the ‘Reason’ for the absence (ie. Paid Sick).
  6. Save & Close.

Granting / Refusing an absence request

  1. Select the required day where the absence request has been made.
  2. Select ‘Grant/Refuse’.*
  3. Add a ‘Comment’ if necessary, to explain your decision to the employee.
  4. Select ‘Grant’ or ‘Refuse’.
  5. Select ‘OK’ when prompted and then ‘Close’.

* If there are more than one absences or requests on the same day, go to ‘Absences In Range’ and make sure that you choose the required request before selecting ‘Grant/Refuse’.

Reinstating an absence request

In the instance where you have already granted or refused a request, a change of mind can easily be rectified by using the ‘Reinstate Request’ option.

  1. Select the day of the absence to be reinstated back to its request status.
  2. Select ‘Reinstate Request’.*
  3. A warning message will appear asking if you wish to proceed. Select ‘OK’.
  4. Select ‘Close’.

* If there are more than one absences on the same day, go to ‘Absences In Range’ and make sure that you choose the required absence before selecting ‘Reinstate Request’.

The request will now show as pending again in the Calendar.

Deleting an absence

  1. Select the day of the absence to be deleted.
  2. Select ‘Delete Selected Absence(s)’.*
  3. A warning message will appear asking if you wish to proceed. Select ‘OK’.
  4. Select ‘Close’.

* If there are more than one absences or requests on the same day, go to ‘Absences In Range’ and make sure that you choose the required absence before selecting ‘Delete Selected Absence(s)’

You cannot delete a pending absence request.

Additional information

Even if you are granting and refusing requests or booking absences within the Calendar, it is good practice to use the Availability Screen as a reference point, so that you can see any potential conflicts with other team members.

Related Articles

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Use Absence Profiles to assign the same set of Absences (Bank Holidays, Company Shutdown etc) to groups of employees.

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Action holiday requests from your team.

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