How do I import a budget to the Rota?

Users can easily import daily or weekly budgets to the Rota via CSV files, saving the time and effort of inputting the figures manually. Budgets can be imported as monetary values (cost) or as time (hours), or even both if required.

This guide will look at:

  • Ensuring budgets are turned on in the Rota
  • Importing Weekly Budgets
  • Importing Daily Budgets

Ensuring budgets are turned on in the Rota

  1. Navigate to System>System Setup>General>Rota and ensure that ‘Rota Budget’ is ticked.
  1. Navigate to the Rota.
  2. Select ‘Options, Filters & Preferences’.
  3. Tick the required ‘Total’ (Hours, Cost or both). ‘Total’ needs to be ticked, otherwise you will not be able to select the associated ‘Budget’.
  4. Tick the required ‘Budget’ (Hours, Cost or both). You will now see these titles appear in the Rota itself.

Importing Weekly Budgets

When creating your budget CSV file ready for importing, there are only a maximum of four columns required. Depending on which budgets you wish to import, columns should either be titled:

  • Group, Date & Cost
  • Group, Date & Hours
  • Group, Date, Cost & Hours

It’s important to note:

  • The dates in your CSV file need to be set to the start of your working week (eg. each Monday).
  • Likewise, the Rota also needs to be viewed from the first day of your working weeking. You will see why this is important later in this guide.
  • Dates need to be in the dd-mmm-yyyy format (eg. 01-Jan-2023).

Once all the required information has been added, save your CSV file. You are now ready to import. In our example, we will import Cost only.

  1. Select ‘System’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select the ‘System’ folder from the System Tree.
  3. Select ‘Import’.
  4. In the ‘CSV to Import’ section, select ‘Open’.
  5. Navigate to and select your saved CSV file.
  1. In the ‘Fields’ section, select ‘Budget’ from the ‘Table’ menu.
  2. Make sure each ‘Focus Field’ matches the ‘Import Field’. These should automatically match, assuming the column titles you created on your spreadsheet were spelt correctly.
  1. Select ‘Import’.
  2. When a warning message appears asking if you wish to proceed, select ‘OK’.
  1. If there are no errors, a second message appears asking if you wish to save the changes. Select ‘OK’.

Navigate to the Rota to see your imported budgets.

Example A

Viewing the Rota from the first day of the working week (correct method)

The imported Weekly Budget Cost shows on the right-hand side of the Rota.

Example B

Not viewing the Rota from the first day of the working week (incorrect method)

In this example, the User has moved the Rota view on by one day. As a safety feature, Focus shows the Weekly Budget as zero.

Therefore, it’s crucial to view your Rota from the first day of the working week in order for your Weekly Budget to be correct.

Importing Daily Budgets

Navigate to System>System Setup>General>Rota and ensure that ‘Rota Budget Per Day’ is ticked.

When creating your budget CSV file ready for importing, there are only a maximum of four columns required. Depending on which budgets you wish to import, columns should either be titled:

  • Group, Date & Cost
  • Group, Date & Hours
  • Group, Date, Cost & Hours

Remember, dates need to be in the dd-mmm-yyyy format (eg. 01-Jan-2023).

Once all the required information has been added, save your CSV file. You are now ready to import. In our example, we will import both cost and hours.

  1. Select ‘System’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select the ‘System’ folder from the System Tree.
  3. Select ‘Import’.
  4. In the ‘CSV to Import’ section, select ‘Open’.
  5. Navigate to and select your saved CSV file.
  1. In the ‘Fields’ section, select ‘Budget’ from the ‘Table’ menu.
  2. Make sure each ‘Focus Field’ matches the ‘Import Field’. These should automatically match, assuming the column titles you created on your spreadsheet were spelt correctly.
  1. Select ‘Import’.
  2. When a warning message appears asking if you wish to proceed, select ‘OK’.
  1. If there are no errors, a second message appears asking if you wish to save the changes. Select ‘OK’.

Navigate to the Rota to see your imported budgets.

Additional information

You can re-import budgets on the same days which will overwrite any current budgets in the Rota.

After importing, budgets can still be manually adjusted by selecting any of the budget cells on the required day.

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