How do I allow employees to modify the exact number of hours they are requesting off?

This is achieved in the Self Service Profile by overriding the total that can be requested. 

  1. Select ‘System’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select ‘Self Service Profiles’ from the System Tree.
  3. Select the required Self Service Profile.
  4. Select the ‘General’ tab.
  5. In the ‘Requests’ section, tick ‘Override Request Total’.
  6. Save.

The result is that employees can now modify their own hours in the ‘New Total’ box when making an Absence Request. 

Exception: if the Absence Reason selected uses ‘From Schedule’ as its Calculation Type, hours cannot be modified (the total is greyed out preventing edits).

Override Request Total (unticked) - App view

Override Request Total (ticked) - App view

Override Request Total (unticked) - Web Browser view

Override Request Total (ticked) - Web Browser view

Additional information

This setting works best for employees whose annual leave allowance is based on hours rather than for those whose allowance is based on days.

Related Articles

How do I prevent employees from requesting more Absence than their entitlement allows?

This is easily achieved by turning off the ‘Request More Than Allowed’ setting in Self Service Profiles.

How do I prevent employees from making short notice absence requests?

In order to ensure that you have enough cover in place, you may wish to set a minimum notice period that employees have to give when making absence requests.

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