How do I assign Weekly Rules to Employees?

This can be done in one of two ways, depending on the number of Employees you wish to assign the Weekly Rule to. This guide will look at:

  • Assigning a Weekly Rule to an individual
  • Assigning a Weekly Rule to a Group

Assigning a Weekly Rule to an individual

  1. Select ‘Employees’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select the required Employee from the Employees’ Tree.
  3. Select the ‘Rules’ tab in the Employee Form.
  4. In the ‘Weekly Rule’ section, select ‘Rule’ and choose the required Weekly Rule from the drop-down menu.
  5. Save.

Assigning a Weekly Rule to a Group

This is done via ‘Group Actions’, a time-saving feature that allows you to make bulk changes to Employee Records.

  1. Select ‘Employees’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Right-click on the required ‘Group’ from the Employee Tree.
  3. Select ‘Group Actions’ - a pop-up box will appear.
  4. By ticking ‘Primary Group Only’, any changes made will only affect the Primary Group members.
  5. If assigning the Weekly Rule to more than one Group, tick all the appropriate Groups. The Group you initially selected should already be ticked. 
  6. In ‘Set Field’, select ‘Weekly Rule’ from the drop-down menu.
  7. In ‘New Value’, select the required Weekly Rule from the drop-down menu.
  8. Select ‘Apply’.
  1. A warning message will appear, showing the changes that are about to be made. Select ‘OK’ if you wish to proceed.
  2. A ‘Success’ message will appear. Select ‘OK’.
  3. The Group Actions box remains open, in case you wish to make any further changes. Once done, select ‘Cancel’.

Additional information

If you need to refer to a Weekly Rule or make edits prior to assigning, they can be found in the Rules Tree by selecting ‘Rules’ from the Menu Bar.

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