How do I create Users with limited permissions?

When you create Users in Focus, you have a huge amount of control over which parts of the program they have access to, and what they can do with their access. For example, you can control whether they can view timesheets, employee records or reports. You can also determine who can make edits to Rotas, approve absence requests or even create System back-ups.

Once we’ve demonstrated how to create a new User, we will look at the different types of permissions and how to use them. This guide will cover:

  • Creating a new User
  • View / Edit permissions
  • Action permissions
  • The Objects tab

Creating a new User

  1. Select ‘System’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select ‘Users’ from the System Tree.
  3. Select ‘Create New’.
  4. Complete the information in the ‘Personal’ tab.
  5. Make sure both Administrator and Restricted Administrator are unticked.


The Password that you create enables the User to log in to Focus, along with their User Name. The length of the Password and which type of characters are required will have been pre-determined by your System Administrator.

On saving, the Password will look as though there is only one character. Don’t worry, it’s not an error. This is just Focus obscuring the true password length for further security.

View / Edit permissions

There are three permission options available in most cases: View and Edit, View only and No View at all. Using the Rota as an example, let’s look at these options.

View and Edit

Having both the View and Edit boxes ticked allows the User to see and make changes to the Rota.

View only

Unticking the Edit box allows the User to see the Rota but not make edits to it. ‘Not Authorised’ messages will appear when attempting to make edits.

No View at all

Unticking the View box means the User will not even see the Rota appear in their Focus Menu Bar. Notice how the Rota Edit box automatically becomes greyed out (you cannot Edit without the option to View being ticked). All other Rota-related Edits and Actions will also be greyed out.

Action permissions

Unlike View and Edit permissions that work together to give you three different states, ticking or unticking an Action simply determines whether the User is able to carry out that ‘action’ or not. Actions are found in both the Administration and General tabs.

In this example, the only Action that the User can carry out is to run the Roll Call Monitor. The unticked Actions will not be available to the User.

The Objects tab

The Objects tab is a series of filters where you can further restrict what a User has access to within Focus.

Taking the Employee Tabs as an example, here is what the User would see and have access to in the Employee Form:

Full permissions

Restricted permissions

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