How do I allow employees to edit their own Timesheets?

Giving employees the ability to edit their own Timesheets is a straightforward process, applied in their Self Service Profile. You can also ensure that employees give Reasons when making certain edits. This is achieved in the System Setup of Focus.

This guide will walk you through:

  • Allowing Timesheet edits
  • Providing a Reason on edit

Allowing Timesheet edits

  1. Select ‘System’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select ‘Self Service Profiles’ from the System Tree.
  3. Select the required Self Service Profile.
  4. Select the ‘General’ tab.
  5. In the ‘Timesheet’ section, tick ‘Edit Timesheet’.
  6. Save.

Employees who have access to this Self Service Profile can now make edits to their Timesheets.

Any edits that an employee makes will show as blue in their Timesheet.

Weekly totals cannot be edited.

Providing a Reason on edit

You may want to ensure that employees give a Reason for edits that they make.

  1. Select ‘System’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select the ‘System’ folder from the System Tree.
  3. Select ‘System Setup’.
  4. Select the ‘General’ tab.
  5. In the ‘Edits’ section, make any changes necessary to meet your requirements.*
  6. Save.

* The settings in our example above mean that employees will need to provide Reasons for all clocking and hour edits.

  • Unticking Allow ‘No Reason’ on Clocking Edits means employees will need to give a Reason when editing any clockings.

  • Unticking a particular Rate in Allow ‘No Reason’ Rates means employees will need to give a Reason when editing any of the hours allocated to that Rate.

Important note - any changes made in System Setup will be applied company-wide, and affect all Timesheet Edits, whether they are made by an Employee on their own Timesheet or by a Focus User on any Timesheet.

Additional information

Bear in mind, if you restrict employees to giving a Reason on edit, you need to provide them with access to request the appropriate Reasons. These are set in the Absence tab of their Self Service Profile.

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