How do I set up Focus to use the Available Shifts feature?

What is the ‘Available Shifts’ feature?

Used when building Rotas via the Drafting Bench, this feature allows you to show employees which shifts are still required on any given day (ie. shifts that haven’t already been allocated and so are ‘available’). Employees, with the necessary skill requirements, can view and request to work those shifts via the Self Service App. Finally, you can then choose how to allocate the available shifts to any employee requests.

In order to utilise it, the ‘Available Shifts’ feature must be enabled in the following way:

  • System Setup - a global setting that turns the feature on
  • Groups - a per Group setting, that enables the feature for a specific Rota
  • Self Service Profiles - define which employees are eligible to request shifts

System Setup

  1. Select ‘System’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select ‘System Setup’ from the System folder.
  3. Select the ‘General’ tab.
  4. In the Rota section, ensure ‘Rota Drafting Bench’ is ticked.
  5. Then, tick ‘Rota Shift Requests’.
  6. Save.


  1. Select ‘System’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select ‘Groups’ from the System Tree.
  3. Select the required Group.
  4. Ensure ‘Rota’ and ‘Self Service’ are both ticked.
  5. Then, tick ‘Shift Requests’.
  6. Save.

Self Service Profiles

  1. Select ‘System’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. Select ‘Self Service Profiles’ from the System Tree.
  3. Select the required Self Service Profile.
  4. Select the ‘General’ tab.
  5. In the Rota section, tick ‘Shift Requests Allowed’.
  6. Save.

You are now ready to make shifts available to the Groups you have selected via the Rota Drafting Bench.

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Skill Level
