How do I use Employee Templates?

With new starters, the method that you choose to create an Employee Record will depend on what you are trying to achieve.

Although personal details will obviously be different, it’s likely that your new employee is joining an existing group of employees with identical ways of working, holiday allowances and rates of pay. In this instance, using a default template to create their record is the best option.

However, if the employee is starting in a role or department that currently doesn’t exist, for example, they may have differences to other employees in how they work, what their holiday allowances are and how they are paid. This may require you to create a completely new Employee Record.

This guide will look at:

  • Using a default template to create an Employee Record
  • Creating a completely new Employee Record
  • Saving an Employee Record as a template

Using a default template to create an Employee Record

  1. Select ‘Employees’ from the Menu Bar.
  2. In the Employees Tree, select ‘Create New’.
  3. Select the required template to use from the menu.
  4. Starting with ‘Personal’, select each tab in turn and manually input any required information (editable cells are highlighted yellow). The default template settings can also be edited. However, remember that these settings have been created specifically for this type of employee, so make sure that any changes made are necessary.

You can save the record at any point, as long as you have inputted a surname and have assigned the employee to a Group. You can then continue to create it or go back and edit it at a later stage.

Creating a completely new Employee Record

Follow the same procedures as above but select ‘New Employee’ instead.

As before, some default settings may exist. These can be edited if necessary.

Saving an Employee Record as a template

Once you have created a completely new Employee Record, it is good practice to save it as a template for future use. Templates never retain any personal details, only the settings that you have created.

  1. Select ‘Manage Defaults’.
  2. Select ‘Save Current As New Default’.
  3. Give your default template a name and then ‘Save’.

The template has now been added to the list of defaults and can be viewed, edited or deleted by selecting ‘Manage Defaults>Manage Existing Defaults’ at any time.

Additional information

You can create an Employee Record by duplicating the record of an existing employee. This method may be handy if you only have a very small number of employees to manage.

However, we would always recommend utilising the default templates, as this reduces the risk of any unwanted differences to Employee Records.

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