Knowledge Base Home
Focus Administrator Articles
How do I create a Shift Rule?
How do I set up Focus to use the Available Shifts feature?
How do I turn on Budgets to use within the Rota?
How do I make sure a Fire Marshall is scheduled when needed?
How do I make sure First Aiders are getting scheduled?
How do I set up an Employee to be included in the Rota?
How do I import a budget to the Rota?
How do I use templates within the Drafting Bench?
Focus Supervisor Articles
How do I build a Rota using Shift Rules?
How do I make changes to the Rota?
How do I build a Rota using the Drafting Bench?
How do I view shift requests and apply them to the Rota?
How do I build a long term Rota?
How do I build a Rota with Skill requirements?
How do I make shifts available to my team?
How do I build a Rota to budget?
How do I make sure a Fire Marshall is scheduled when needed?
How do I make sure First Aiders are getting scheduled?
How do I set up an Employee to be included in the Rota?
How do I use templates within the Drafting Bench?
How do I see where else my team members have been scheduled?
How do I book Absences via the Rota?
How do I print the Rota?
Human Resources Articles
How do I make sure a Fire Marshall is scheduled when needed?
How do I make sure First Aiders are getting scheduled?
Fire Officer Articles
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